Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Although graduation day was ridiculously cold and windy it was totally worth it. Not only it was gradution, but I got to hear a huge idol of mine, Angela Ahrendts the CEO of Burberry (one of my all-time favorite brands) give our commencement speech. She gave a pretty great commencement speech, and it couldn't have worked out better that she just happened to be at MY graduation. It was a huge inspiration and she is a very down to earth lady and even suuuper nice enough to get a picture with me. A select few of the students in the fashion department including myself had the pleasure to sit down for a Q&A session with her the previous day. I was mostly in much awe of her head-to-toe Burberry ensemble. It was very interesting and insightful into what it takes for success in the industry. It was helpful that she is from Indiana, it is proof that there is hope for me to make it big some day in the future of fashion. ;)


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